Thursday, May 21, 2009

Out in Town

Michael and Lindsay had a fun day yesterday doing some local sightseeing. Most of you know Michael is a professional photographer and loves to be around "the locals". They hired a guide, Irene, who speaks English -- which is obviously a big plus when you want to be out and about. The picture here is of Irene and Lindsay getting ice cream in town. They went for tea and also to a teddy bear restaurant for lunch (yes - it was just a restaurant with big giant teddy bears sitting in the chairs with you......very fun for a 5 yr old!). I actually had very productive business meetings all day, which is one of the great things about this trip.....getting to see my international colleagues and figuring out how we can be more aligned across many miles and cultures. So many great people here. Can't believe we will meet Ally day after tomorrow. In some ways it seems like it will be forever.


  1. Teddy bear restaurant? Never heard of that! How fun for her! What great memories she will have her whole life of this trip!

  2. So fun, and so glad to hear you made it safely there! Lindsay looks like she's having a blast!

  3. I do have to say that the 'people watching' in China is the BEST!!! Too fun!!

  4. Linds, What does Chinese ice-cream taste like? Soon you'll get to hold your new sissy! Can't wait to see your picture with Ally. Love you sweety. Aunt Suzanne, Gabby and Christian.

  5. Hi Cheryl,Mike and Lindsay- What an amazing journey you guys are on !! great shots kudos Mike !! and your posts are very emotional and journalistic !! We "The Reynolds Family " wish you God's speed and a smooth transition to bringing you new family member Ally home !!!!! we will keep in touch .....cheers and Love Beth,Tony,Andrew and Timmy Reynolds, - Miss Beth says a big Hi, and Hug to Lindsay LoL !!!!!
