Saturday, July 25, 2009


I finally have found the time (and remembered) to post new pictures of our family.  Some of you have seen these, but many of you haven't.  Ally continues to just flourish.  It's been over a month since I've posted, so much has happened.  I think, though, to sum it up -- Ally really just fits our family and we are just enjoying her.  When we first brought her home, she was very quiet, introverted and shy.  She was happy to just sit on our lap and take everything in -- but didn't want to go very far or get very far from us.  She was "easy".  NOW......she has learned what her "forever family" means.......that she can cry (or yell!) and we will come running. That there are toys -- and when she gets bored, there are more toys --- again, if she just "summons" us.  

I have to admit, we probably run to her too quickly, but we'll figure all that out.  We are enjoying spoiling her and making up for lost time.  Lindsay is the best big sister and is enjoying the summer with Ally.  We have a great babysitter that helps Michael, so he has time to oversee his business and have a little "Michael time" when he really needs it.

Am posting a few updated pictures.  Lindsay graduated from her Montessori primary class about 4 days after we returned from China -- some of the pictures are of that event.

Again, thanks to all of you -- especially my email friends on the China adoption web sites --- who continue to write and share stories.  I pray you'll all find the child that was meant for's the best life!  Cheryl